Living Above The Influence

Don't get caught up - make a difference in life.
Welcome to Living Above The Influence

Our organization has been serving the community for over 5 years. Our mission is to spiritually uplift our community, and work towards a greater good for our up and coming youth.

Our Vision of LATI: Community Awareness, to help educate our youth, parents and each other, by sharing real life testimonies. To use this site as an outlet, to communicate with others who may be dealing with life struggles and to have a support group that will encourage you and love you just the way you are but will offer you support to overcome what you are dealing with.

LATI Opportunity The issue today is this generation is out of control, our youth are suffering with life style struggles, peer pressure, influence, family issues, and don’t know how to deal with these issues and what are they doing looking to belong, getting involved in things that they are not realizing the long term out come. Getting involved in Gangs, drugs, dealing with inner pain that is causing some to try and commit suicide.

LATI is necessary so we can educate our youth, parents, community, each other and bring some awareness by letting them hear real life examples, success stories, stories of some who still struggle and by sharing the lord’s name with them, to let them know there is another way to live life.

We are always looking for volunteers. You will find that in volunteering, you will find happiness and strength. Our doors are always open. Please join us for our weekly community prayer.

Call Dori at (408) 390-9012 for details.


Our 5th Annual LIVING ABOVE THE INFLUENCE Community Outreach is coming. Saturday Oct 8th, 2011 at 1pm at Community park in Morgan Hill located at 299 W Edmundson Ave.  - ALL ARE WELCOME
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